Meister des Geschmacks seit 1946
It was 1946 when Gottfried Roner started distilling and set up a still in his parents' house. Distillation is an ancient art whose roots are lost in the mysterious magic of alchemy and which has a long tradition in the Alpine region. After the early successes with the production of grappa, Gottfried, who was enthusiastic about his land and its fruits, decided to expand his production: by macerating roots and berries from the surrounding forests, as was already traditional, he produced traditional products such as gentian, kranewit and blueberry liqueur. These products are still among the most popular products from our distillery today. With the purchase of a second still, the company founder further diversified production and began distilling fruit, as is traditional in Central Europe. The excellent quality of the apples and pears and Gottfried's natural talent laid the foundation for the unique quality of the fruit distillates from the Roner distillery that still exists today.